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Photoshop Artistry

Co-author | New Riders Publishing, 1995 – 2005

This was the first high-end book for photographers using Photoshop. My ex-husband, Barry Haynes, was teaching a course in Santa Cruz, California and we took those notes to create the first version of this book, published by Sybex. New Riders picked up the title the next year and it became a very successful book with various versions translated into eight different languages. Many colleges and universities used this as a text for their digital imaging classes. We  wrote eight versions of the book, all of which I designed and produced.

Photoshop, Painter, & Illustrator: Side by Side

Author | Sybex Publishing, 2000 & 2001

Production artists need a wide array of tools to accomplish assignments. This book was for people conversant in one of these three applications as a way to extend their knowledge into one or both of the other applications. The second edition was short-listed for the Ben Franklin Computer Book Award. 

This was one of the first books to have its own website, long before content management systems were prevalent. I didn’t design the covers, bu I wrote, designed, and produced the book and for the second edition, taught myself enough AppleScript to have most of the layout formatted automatically, saving hours of production time.

Cusco: The Gateway to Inner Wisdom

Co-author | Planeta Publishing, 2006

Diane Dunn, a former minister and a friend from NYC, asked me to help her write a book about her experiences working with Peruvian Shamans. Originally self-published, it was picked up by Planeta and translated into Spanish. As a bonus, I got to do my first and second-level training in the Andean spiritual tradition. I designed this cover as well as the interiors of both the print version and the ebook.

Cusco II: The Magic of the Munay-ki

Designer/Editor | Planeta Publishing, 2008

Though I didn’t co-author this book, I was highly involved in structuring the narrative which mixed the author’s unfolding love story with a detailed description of how the Munay-ki rites are performed. I designed the cover, the interior, and produced the e-book.

Pearls of Light: Codes and Messages from the Soul

Design and Production

Another creative project done with my friend, Diane Dunn. 

Full Cover

Interior Spread

The Best For Last

Cover re-creation

While working on Michael’s web site, I felt the cover of his memoir simply didn’t do the story justice. I asked if I could redesign. It’s better, I think.

From this...

To this.

Amazing British Columbia

Interior and Cover Design and Production